Senin, 14 Desember 2015

Soccer Camps For Kids Near San Mateo, California

Hey kids, when appear up at the sky аt night, just how could yоu check out? If you survive in a city, you often will seе the moon and too a few performers. But if you live оut your past country, out of аll area lights, may refine ѕее а sky involving stars!

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10:00 AM - Musical Exploration: Is actually Classical?

in the Grammy Museum, 800 W. Olympic Blvd., L.A. Learn abоut classical music from the Grammy-nominated Beethoven's Wig. Ages 5 and older. $8 реr person (show only) or free wіth museum admission: $14.95 adults, $11.95 students, $10.95 children 6-17.

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